We hope you enjoy viewing our crazy trip to LONDON!!!

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Yesterdsy morning we arrived in London at 6:20 AM their time (2:20 AM our time) in Heathrow Airport. While we were still in the plane another plane flew over head and we were afraid that we might crash since it was so close.
We learned something very important today - londoners drive on the other side of the road and the steering wheel is on the right side. All of the car exits on the highway go of on the left lane and the fast lane is the right lane.
The licenses on the cars are different, too. They are thinner and wider with just really big letters and numbers (no symbols or state names).
My favorite thing to say is that on almost every street there is a double decker red bus!
Lastly, the drivers were . . . interesting. They would speed up and then brake within one block.  Also motorcyclists can drive in between cars where there is no lane (this is illegal in the United States).
More to come in next post!

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