We hope you enjoy viewing our crazy trip to LONDON!!!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

London Tower

We took an all day tour of London that started with a visit to London Tower, which is right next to London Bridge. It isn't just one tower. It looks like a fortress made up of 20 separate towers. The river Thames used to come up to it during high tide and form a mote around the wall. The three most famous towers are Bloody Tower, White Tower, and Waterloo Tower. The Waterloo holds all of the Crown Jewels, which are beautiful. We were not permitted to take pictures of the Crown Jewels. The White holds all of the historic armor that is being displayed for public viewing. The Bloody was originally the Garden Tower because it overlooked the gardens. In it there is the water gate that was used for the mote (yes, the British had the first Watergate). We also saw the London Bridge, but didn't go over it. A Beefeater gave us a short tour when we entered. He was very nice and let us take a picture with him. We also learned that there is one lady Beefeater now.
Enjoy the pictures!


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