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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Pax Lodge

Pax Lodge is one of the four Girl Scout World Centers. It is located in Hampstead, just north of London. The 15th of March is the birthday of the lodge. It was opened 22 years ago in 1991. We celebrated with the staff and volunteer members. The girls working there are from all over the world. Some were finished with college, while others are in their gap year. Some countries that were represented are Nigeria, Sweden, Costa Rica, Canada, Armenia, Hong Kong, France, and Wales. We also met American Girl Scouts Overseas, a type of American Girl Scout that lives in another country. Together we all celebrated the twenty second birthday of Pax Lodge. First, we took a tour of the lodge and ate dinner with the staff and volunteers. Everyone at the dinner table described their camping experiences. We did many activities afterwards including a scavenger hunt, memory game, pin the flag on the Pax Lodge flagpole, and a historical quiz. At the end of the event we sung Happy Birthday for Pax Lodge in every language that the people present could sing. It was sung in French, German, Welsh, Swedish, Armenian, and English. Lastly, we ate cake with the other Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. My mom and l enjoyed the experience very much and hope you did too.


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