We hope you enjoy viewing our crazy trip to LONDON!!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Shard

Next we went to the Shard. Looking up at it from the ground was terrifying. We took two separate elevators to get up to the 68th floor. Each took only 30 seconds to go half way. They were traveling at 6 kilometers per hour. You then had to go up one flight of stairs to have a view. It was amazing. You could see all of London and beyond. My only mistake was looking strait down. Yikes that was scary! Outside it was a bright sunny day and you could see for miles. We saw the London Bridge, London Eye, House of Parliament, Thames River, Tate Museum, and many other London sights.
We were able to go up three more flights of stairs to the outdoor level, the 72nd floor. While we were there we felt the building swaying, so we went down. Afterwards the building didn't look as intimidating since I had been in it.
Enjoy the View!


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